Documentation wiki coming soon! I've based this BESM 4e character sheet on both Core and Extras rulebooks, making this a crunchier version of BESM 4e but it more closely aligns with BESM 3e. While the character sheet is not 100% complete, I'd say it's about 80%, I believe this is a very playable version and I didn't want to wait any longer to release this to the community. I've done my best to automate building rolls, attribute configuration, the character point cost system, etc. This character sheet is more of an app than digital ink. This has been a lot of fun for me and I fully intend to bring this project to completion. That said, I would really appreciate any and all feedback, feature requests, and bug reports. This will help me prioritize what you need for your game!
Congrats John. I see the sheets been merged on the repo here , but how/or is it listed in the roll20 sheet list?
Thanks, Vince! Great question. Yes, the "Big Eyes, Small Mouth 4e" character sheet is included in the Roll20 sheet list. Start a new game, scroll down past "Optional. ", and click the dropdown box. Enter "big" in the search field and you should see the character sheet displayed in the filtered results (see below). Once selected, an image of the sheet preview will display, at which point just click "I'm ready, Create Game"! You will probably see me post this annoyingly many times, but thank you, Vince, and all the others (big should out to Scott C. and GiGs) who have contributed to the forums and directly replied to my posts for guidance. You've all been instrumental in helping me achieve this milestone! :D
Hello BESM enthusiast! I've completed version 1.5.0 and it is ready to be merged (PR#10113). A lot went into this release which is why I broke from my normal weekly release cadence. My initial assessment of the work was off a bit, and, like peeling back an onion, there were many more layers for me to address than I'd realized. Suffice it to say, version 1.5.0 is not totally complete. I lied. However, I released 1.5.0 because I believed that it is complete enough for your games and provides more value than frustration. The incomplete bits are more matters of convenience than utility. That said, I will be tying up the loose ends on a weekly cadence, doing what I can do while battling my ornery children. I appreciate everyone's patience and welcome any feedback, bug reports, prioritization or feature requests, etc. The documentation and status pages are up to date and linked above. Feel free to PM me, respond to this thread, or start a new one. Happy gaming!
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