De Anza Mobile App

mobile app

With the latest MyPortal redesign, De Anza and Foothill College also introduced a new smartphone app – available now in the Apple and Google (Android) app stores.

The mobile app will make it easy for you to

Once you download and install the app on your device, you can log in with your CWID and MyPortal password.

For more information on using the app, including how to add classes, see the FAQ list below.

Mobile App FAQ

Is the app free?

Yes, absolutely.

What kinds of devices can use the app?

It should work on most Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.

How do I sign in?

Use your Campuswide ID (CWID) and MyPortal password.

Can I use the app to register for courses at both De Anza College and Foothill College?

Yes, you can register for De Anza classes using the Foothill College app and vice versa.

How do I switch to a different term in the catalog?

On the home screen, click on the "Schedule" tile to access the catalog. On the catalog home screen, expand the term selector on the top left and select a term in the list.

How can I register for a course from the catalog?

On the catalog home screen, select a term, and then select a department, and then select a course. On the course screen, click on the "Sections" tab. Locate the section and click on "Add this class". This will add the section to your Cart. Click on "Submit Cart" to complete the registration process or add another section to the Cart.

How do I register by using the course registration number (CRN)?

On the home screen, click on the "Registration/Register" tile, then click on "Register for Classes. You may be prompted to sign in. After signing in, look in the "Pending Registration" section and click on a term. Enter the CRN in the text box under "Add by CRN" and click on the "Add" button. This will add the class to your Cart. Click on "Submit Cart" to complete the registration process or add another class to the Cart.

How do I drop a class?

Go to the "My Classes" module. Click on "Drop Classes." Select the classes to drop and click on "Drop", then confirm by clicking on "Drop" again.

How can I pay fees?

On the home screen, click on the "Pay Your Fees/Pay" tile. You will be prompted to sign in if you haven't. Continue in the TouchNet interface.

How can I search for a building on the map?

On the home screen, click on the "Campus Map" tile. Click on the magnifying glass icon, enter the building name and then click "Search."