Is there a way to be able just click a word and get its translation while reading .pdf files? Google Dictionary is very useful plugin for Chrome but works only for web pages. Does something similar exist to use with .pdf? I'm using Windows. I've found plugins for Chrome built-in reader. All them do nothing in pdf. I can use any other pdf reader if there is one with such translation plugin, but can't find anything like that.
asked Jan 3, 2014 at 10:36 user273438 user273438 What operating system or PDF reader? What answers did you find and why are they no longer relevant? Commented Jan 3, 2014 at 11:14Windows. I can use any available reader. Now using Adobe Reader (or Chrome built-in one). I've found plugins for Chrome built-in reader. All them do nothing in pdf. I expect some non-Chrome solution, like some plugin for Adobe Reader.
– user273438 Commented Jan 3, 2014 at 13:09 Please edit your question to include that (important) information. Commented Jan 3, 2014 at 13:31In my option for Windows the best option is QTranslate. Just select any word or text and double press CTRL.
QTranslate will automatically popup window with translation and additional info (depending on service you selected)
You can set input/output languages, translation service (google, yandex, etc. ).
It has many other features and options.
And it's just 1 MB!
answered Sep 6, 2015 at 10:56 253 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges That was very usefull also for me , thank you. Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 15:53The one extension I know work with chrome'spdf viewer is called dictionary lookup it will dd the extension and just select the text and then right click to translate it. From the store.
Simply adds an icon to the address bar and to the right click menu whenever you select text on a page. Clicking the icon or the menu item will open a new tab at to show you the definition of the word(s) you have selected.
You can also try instant translate and see if it works for you.
answered Jan 4, 2014 at 2:52 15.8k 16 16 gold badges 60 60 silver badges 104 104 bronze badgesDownload Foxit reader. it is pdf program with translate option. Great program. much better than adobe reader. and it is FREE.
The other option is Babylon, it is perfect and contains all the dictionaries and languages. but it is very expensive. it works with mousewheel click.
answered Mar 30, 2017 at 0:33 user712497 user712497 11 1 1 bronze badgeFirefox + Quick Translator works fine for me. However Quick Translator is not available for current version (40) of Firefox. You can either find another addon or download an old Firefox browser just for reading.
answered Aug 31, 2015 at 13:10 BernarditoLuis BernarditoLuis 11 2 2 bronze badgesDeepL on Windows purports to be able to do this for any app, including PDF readers.
answered Jul 9 at 15:39 157 1 1 silver badge 9 9 bronze badgesI support SumatraPDF which can send the current selection in PDF ePub etc. to other sites mentioned in other answers so has options for default of Google / Deepl and you can set your own customised settings for QTanslate amongst others.
However the modern native Windows application for ePub and PDF is MS Edge. Which has Read Aloud or Translate options or use the menu options such as Co-Pilot for AI, translate & read aloud or send to another service.
One can use Google Scholar PDF Reader (Chrome extension) to be able just click a word and get its translation while reading .pdf files:
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